
General Update on COVID-19

The physicians and staff at Manhattan Endoscopy know this is a stressful time and want individuals to understand their risk of exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus) while visiting our facility. Since we are a free-standing facility, your risk of exposure is very low compared to the exposure in a hospital or emergency facility and we are taking the necessary steps to assess each visitor’s health status. However, MEC recommends the following steps below to minimize your general exposure risk:

  • Ensure you receive your flu vaccine this season
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before & after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Do not shake hands; instead wave or elbow bump
  • Disinfect doorknobs, switches, handles, computers, telephones, bedside tables, bathroom sinks, toilets, counters, toys and other surfaces that are commonly touched around your home and workplace
  • If you have chronic conditions like lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system, avoid unnecessary gatherings or events
  • Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food
  • If you have cold or flu-like symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, fever or sore throat, please call your physician. If you do not feel better in 24-48 hours, seek care from your doctor immediately. It is important that you do not go out in public until you are fever-free for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing drugs like Tylenol or ibuprofen.
  • For more information, text COVID to 692-692 for real-time updates or visit nyc.gov/coronavirus.

Here are some additional resources to help you stay informed on COVID-19.

For Patients

Planning your visit

Prior to the date of your procedure, your physician will be in touch to discuss the procedure and answer any questions you may have. To create the safest environment possible, all patients who are not vaccinated will be required to get COVID-19 PCR testing within 5 days of their procedure (the designated testing locations will have weekend hours, and an in-home testing service is available as well). Your doctor will send you detailed instructions about this pre-procedure testing. A member of our nursing staff will call to obtain information regarding your medical history, medications you are currently taking and to review your bowel preparation instructions. Only patients will be admitted to the facility. You will need to have someone pick you up after the procedure. Please be prepared to provide the name and cell phone of your escort to the nurse during your pre-procedure interview. Our staff will keep your escort informed of your progress and bring you to the building lobby (on the first floor) to meet with your escort after you are discharged.

On Your Arrival

MEC takes your health and safety as seriously as you do and has instituted policies to help ensure minimal exposure to others during your time with us. When you get off the elevator (5th floor) one of our staff members wearing a mask will greet you. All of our staff throughout the facility will be wearing masks. You will be asked to remove your own mask if you are wearing one and will be given a new one to wear. Our staff will then take your temperature and ask you a series of questions about your current health, recent travel, and possible exposure to anyone with COVID-19. Just as we pledge to keep you as safe as possible during these trying times, we ask that you be forthcoming and answer our questions about your health and any exposures truthfully. Your escort should not accompany you to your procedure as they will not be allowed into the endoscopy unit to avoid exposure and maintain appropriate social distancing.

Before Your Procedure

After your symptom screening and registration, you will be accompanied by one of our nurses to a private recovery bay where you will remove your clothing and change into a gown. Your nurse will take a brief history and proceed to take your vital signs and insert an intravenous line in preparation for your exam. Your anesthesiologist will speak to you about your health issues, previous experience with anesthesia, and answer any questions you might have. Your gastroenterologist will also be speaking with you prior to entering the exam room. Please bring a list of your medications and dosages to your appointment. Please leave all your valuables at home.

Your procedure

When you arrive at your procedure room, you will be given oxygen with nasal prongs or possibly an oxygen mask. In addition, you will be having your oxygen level, blood pressure, and heart rate monitored with a series of devices that will be attached prior to beginning the procedure. Before an upper endoscopy, a plastic mouthpiece will be inserted between your teeth and an oxygen mask secured. Almost all medical monitoring equipment that you will come in contact with is used one time and discarded, other essential monitors will have been cleaned with virus-killing solutions.

After your procedure

You will wake up in the same private recovery bay where you were initially prepared for your procedure. The nurse will be checking on you frequently and your physician will review the results of your procedure. When you are ready to depart the center, your escort will be contacted by our staff when to arrive and you will be accompanied downstairs by one of our assistants. Please expect a call from one of our center’s nurses in the days following your procedure to inquire about your experience and to see how you are feeling. Please contact your gastroenterologist directly with any specific questions regarding what was found during your procedure (biopsy results, etc.).

Request an Appointment

At Manhattan Endoscopy, the physicians are experienced in diagnosing and treating a variety of gastrointestinal issues. Schedule or request an appointment by calling 212-682-2828
Appointment Request Form


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